The Three Symptoms of Imposter Syndrome

imposter syndrome Nov 11, 2024
man in denim shirt looks pensively at laptop

You’ve just wrapped up a session with a client who had a breakthrough moment. They look at you with gratitude. “This has been amazing, thank you so much!” they say. 

But as they leave, instead of feeling proud, you’re filled with a familiar sense of unease. “Was it really me?” you wonder. “Maybe they just figured it out on their own. What if I can’t help them next time?”

Despite your training, your success, and the positive feedback, a nagging voice tells you it was a fluke—maybe you’re not as skilled as they think. One day they’ll see through it and realize you’re just "winging it." 

On the heels of this client’s win, you’re suddenly filled with self-doubt, spiraling downward until you’re questioning if you even belong in this role at all.

This is an example of imposter syndrome. 

Now, if you are considering adding Intensives to your list of options for your clients you may also be thinking: 

  • I feel confident in the services I currently offer, but could I really offer intensives?
  • Am I really prepared to meet with one client for multiple days?
  • Do I really know enough about this subject area to be a specialist?
  • How can I justify charging a higher premium for intensives when I feel this way?

We are committed to helping you overcome these or any obstacles that might be holding you back in the event you love the idea of increasing your speciality, your revenue, and your influence with your clients. 

Let’s take a closer look at imposter syndrome and provide some simple solutions to help you overcome any barriers that are limiting your success.

What Is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is a haunting, pervasive feeling of self-doubt, insecurity, or unworthiness that convinces us we aren’t enough, even in the face of real evidence to the contrary.

For counselors and life coaches, these feelings can be especially intense given the responsibility of supporting others in their own journeys. 

Understanding and overcoming imposter syndrome is essential for professionals who aim to make a positive impact on their clients’ lives. 

There are three common symptoms of imposter syndrome: 

  • fear of being exposed as a fraud
  • attributing success to external factors, and
  • downplaying achievements. 

Let’s take a closer look at each of these.

1. The Fear of Being Exposed as a “Fraud”

People with imposter syndrome often fear that sooner or later, they will be “found out” as being less capable than others perceive. This fear of exposure can create stress, anxiety, and a constant state of hypervigilance. 

Many experience a nagging voice saying, “One day, people will see that I'm not as knowledgeable or skilled as they think.”

Why It’s False: The fear of exposure is usually based on an unrealistic comparison of one’s internal thoughts and feelings with others’ external success. It overlooks the fact that everyone has doubts and insecurities—even the experts. This symptom reflects a skewed perception, not an objective reality.

Key Takeaway: If you’re trained and qualified to help others, you aren’t a fraud. 

2. Attributing Success to External Factors

Those with imposter syndrome are not inclined to own their own achievements. Instead, they attribute their success to luck, timing, or other factors outside their control. They feel as though their accomplishments aren’t a result of their own talent or hard work.

A counselor who successfully guides a client through a breakthrough may think, “They were just ready to change,” rather than acknowledging the skill and patience involved in helping them. 

Similarly, a life coach whose client achieves significant milestones might attribute it to the client's motivation alone, disregarding the supportive structure and guidance they provided. 

Why It’s False: Attributing success to external factors ignores the consistent effort, skill, and dedication it took for you to be where you are today. By viewing success as a fluke, people fail to recognize the positive impact of their own actions, often dismissing genuine talent or competence.

Key Takeaway: If you’re trained and qualified to help others, luck doesn’t have anything to do with it.

Recognizing one’s role in client success is essential for personal growth and self-validation.

3. Downplaying Achievements

People with imposter syndrome might struggle to celebrate their accomplishments or feel uncomfortable with recognition. They tend to downplay achievements. For instance, they may view a well-received workshop they led as ordinary, even though it provided real value to participants. 

“Oh, it’s not a big deal,” they might say, dismissing recognition, or thinking to themselves, “Anyone could have done this.” 

This symptom can prevent individuals from seeing their own value and worth, making it difficult to embrace the impact they have.

Why It’s False: Downplaying achievements ignores the unique strengths, skills, and perspectives that contribute to one’s success. Each accomplishment—whether big or small—reflects personal growth and capability. By not recognizing these, individuals miss opportunities to build confidence and self-acknowledgement.

Key Takeaway: If you’ve earned recognition for your achievements, accept recognition with grace and gratitude.

Celebrating achievements reinforces self-worth and fosters continued motivation to grow.

You Can Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is a pervasive issue among helping professionals, but it’s one that can be overcome. Recognizing these symptoms and reframing them is the first step in building confidence and preventing self-doubt from impacting your work with clients.

If you’re ready to conquer imposter syndrome and unlock your true potential as a counselor or life coach—especially if you’re interested in adding intensives to your offerings—explore our Guide to Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and take control of your confidence, self-worth, and impact today.

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